Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Josiah Shaun

So, I am a little late getting this updated, but we've been a bit busy with our newly expanded family! Josiah Shaun arrived June 20th at 7:50 am. He weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 18 in. long. He is absolutely perfect! We think he looks a lot like Jason. We are adjusting fairly well to having two children instead of just one. We work well as a team taking care of our two babies.

I am learning all kinds of new things in this new phase in my life....so much that I can't begin to share it all here, but I will share some:

1) I am learning that no matter how insecure I am in my skills as a mother, God's confidence in me does not waiver. I am learning that he has equipped me to be a mother....a good mother. Am I perfect?? Absolutely not...I am actually humbled each day by how much I still have to learn. However, I am able to take care of our two children. I am able to teach them what they need to learn. I am able to love them more than I ever imagined I could. I am able to have the energy each day to keep up with all that Josiah and Elana need.
2) I am learning about some weaknesses I have as a wife and mother. I desire to be better than I was the day before. I do not want those weaknesses to be pushed to the side. I want to do more than recognize that I need to change....I want to change and improve! My children and husband are a great accountability system for me.
3) I am learning that I THOUGHT I was an organized person, but I really have so much to learn. I will be going back to work in just a week and a half. I will need to get myself ready, help get Josiah and Elana ready, and get out the door before 6:45 or 7:00 am each morning. I will have to plan and prepare ahead of time like I never did before. Preparing Josiah's meals, our family's dinners, outfits for the day, etc. is just the beginning. Jason and I will be depending on each other's help like never before, too....Go TEAM KING!!
4) I am leaning that Jason and I will need to be intentional in setting time aside for just us. We have got to put it on the calendar...at least once a month getting a babysitter so that we can go out would be ideal. I can see how easily we COULD grow apart. There is so much to do and take care of....and we just have two children so far. I don't want to neglect my husband...my best-friend!!
5) I am reminded of God's faithfulness and provision for his children. Just like our desire to provide for our own children, God desires to take care of us. In our finances, some MAJOR things have happened that proves that to me!! Who am I that he would bless me so! I am so thankful to you, God!!!

Well, that's it for now. I need to get off of here and do some laundry...surprise,surprise! I'll update you all more later. I will also hopefully get around to adding some pictures on here soon, too. Until then, blessings to you all!!