Monday, September 15, 2008


It is amazing to me how fast things can change in life. Our "baby" girl is now 2 years old and talking to me in complete sentences. Our little man is already 3 months old, smiling at me and cooing like crazy. We've been married for 4 wonderful years. It's almost fall when it seems like summer just started. However, the biggest change for the King family is yet to come. We have been in Tennessee for almost 4 years now, ministering to the teens at our church. We have loved every minute with them. They bring so much joy to our lives, and they have challenged us and taught us lessons that we will cherrish forever. Being with them has been what we've known for so long now. Well, last week (after much prayer, thought, and reflection) we decided to resign from the church. This is a HUGE leap of faith for our family. There are still a lot of "unknowns" for us. Neither of us will have jobs right away. We have to sell our house and find a new one. My mother will be moving in with us...yes, you read that right! We have to start all over! CHANGE...It's very hard! In this case, it takes courage and trust. We have to trust that God is going to take care of our teens...comfort them, provide a new leader for them, strengthen them, etc. We have to have courage to move to a brand new city (which is HUGE by the way) to be a part of a new church plant (which could fail or succeed). We have to trust that God is going to provide for us financially. We have to have courage to move my mom in with us because that will bring a whole host of challenges. However, we know that God is directing our path and leading us to something new and exciting. God never fails us, leaves us, or dissappoints. Change is hard, but I know that God will breathe new life into our family through this. The church that Jason's brother is starting, and that we plan to be a part of, aligns very well with both of our passions and gifts. There is a lot to look forward to, but we are experiencing some heartache as we leave our teens. Pray for us if you think of it.