Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back to Work

I went back to work this week, and it has been very hard (as expected)! I miss my little man like crazy! I miss cuddling with him, playing with him, and just taking care of him. He is being well taken care of at the daycare at our church, but I still wish I could be at home with him (and Elana). Luckily, it has been busy at work, so that has helped to keep me distracted. I have pictures of both Elana and Josiah all over my office that I look at several times a day. That brings me so much joy when I start to feel sad! I can't wait to go home at the end of each day to hold and play with both of my babies. He is doing really well at daycare. The ladies there just rave about how sweet and good he is. He eats and sleeps good, so that puts my mind at ease.

Jason reminded me when he prayed for me my first day back, that our children are not really ours anyway. They are God's. I can't hold onto them too tightly!! It's hard, especially for mothers, to really grasp this concept. However, I do believe that we are simply stewards of God's creation. Part of being that steward is making sure their needs are met, and right now that means that I must work. Eventually, I would like to work just part-time, but right now that is just not possible. God is giving me the strength I need to handle being away from my would happen eventually anyway once they start school.

Josiah doesn't go back to the doctor until the end of this month, so I don't know exactly what he weighs now. However, I guess he weighs about 9 lbs. by now. He is getting really long, too. He smiled at me for the first time August 1, 2008. It was so precious! He smiles a lot now.

Elana will be two August 29th! I can't believe it! She is growing and learning more and more each day. She is a smart and sassy little girl...I love it!!

Jason and I are more in love today than ever before. He is an amazing husband and father. I am so blessed. Well, that is about it for now. Blessings to all who read this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OKay so this is the first time I have been to this blog and I REALLY needed to read this entry tonight!!! You guys are amazing, You really put some things into perspective for me =) i love you and your wonderful family!