Thursday, February 19, 2009

Unemployed, but believing!

I have been unemployed since November of 2008. I have held a professional Social Work position since before I even graduated college, so this feels very weird. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed being home with my kiddos and hanging out in my pajamas most days. However, I would like to be working in my field at least part-time. I am passionate about what I do, so I definitely miss it! I also miss the $$$. Now, I am a social worker, so I don't make much at all. However, my income is necessary to making ends meet. God has been so faithful to provide for us in this tight time, but the money is running out. Well, we still have money in savings, but we are trying to keep it there so that we can have at least a small down payment for our next home. It can be discouraging, at times, sending resume after resume and having NO LUCK, but I am choosing to believe that there is something out there for me. There IS something that fits my passions and skills. There IS something out there that will provide the money that our family needs. There IS something!!! I have to believe that God will reveal it at just the right time. For those of you who are in the same boat as me, I pray that you would have this same belief. The job market is very rough right now, but it is nothing that God can't handle!! Let's pray each other through this!

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