Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random Thoughts

So much RANDOM stuff is on my mind lately, so I am just going to purge it all!!

1) I finally have an in-person job interview on Monday. I passed the phone interview yesterday, PRAISE THE LORD! This job is not ideal. It's not full-time. It's not working with the population I am most passionate about (children). However, I have a general care and compassion for people and a desire to serve, so I know I will enjoy this position if God grants it to me. Plus, the job market is so bad here in Atlanta, so I will take what I can get. Our finances are hurting BAD!!!!

2) I deal with a lot of guilt most days. Guilt for reacting poorly to my 2 1/2 year old's behavior. Guilt for snapping and fussing at my husband when he doesn't deserve it. Guilt for eating the cookies I shouldn't have eaten. Guilt for not creating more of a structure and learning environment for my children while I am at home with them. Guilt for not reading my Bible and praying as often as I should. Guilt for not doing more about causes that mean so much to me. Guilt for not being as outgoing as I want to be. Guilt for not corresponding with old and new friends through notes and emails like I always intend to do. Guilt for being impatient. NASTY GUILT! Well, today I am ready to do something about it all instead of just feeling guilty and not doing anything about it. Thanks Pastor Shaun (shauninthecity.com)!! So, here is what I plan to do about some of the things I mentioned above:

-I signed up for a gym membership an hour ago
-I created a schedule for my kids w/ activities, NAPS, play time, etc.
-I am going to read my Bible and pray as soon as I get off of here
-I am going to talk to Jason about giving $ to the Courageous Church's Plumpy'Nut Initiative (TheyWillDie.org) on a regular basis, and doing what it takes to get this initiative off the ground.
-I am going to schedule "me" time once a week, and ask Jason to do the same so that we can take breathers and get refreshed, which will help with the impatience and snapping issues.
-Write one note and one email to a friend a week. I wrote one email already!

3) I am still grieving the loss of our teenagers from the youth group at our last church. A group of them came to visit us this past weekend, and it was like leaving the church all over again when they left to go back to TN. It was time for us to leave the church, but I love those kids and miss them VERY much!

4) My husband is so GREAT! I am so proud of all that he is doing for the Courageous Church. He is working so hard! Also, he loves our kids so much, and he is so patient with them! He loves me, and I never have to question that! He makes me laugh...A LOT! I am so incredibly blessed to be his wife! I want to do a better job of expressing my appreciation of him. I just wrote him a note and put it in his wallet.

5) I love my kids more than I can even describe. Sure they frustrate me, test my patience, and stress me out, but they are also so sweet and loveable. Elana is so strong-willed, wild, funny, energetic, smart, creative, and a love-bug...she gives the best hugs and kisses. Josiah is just 9 months old, but he is so sweet, funny, smiley, cuddly, and a mama's boy!! I am so blessed to have two healthy and beautiful children.

6) Moving to Atlanta was a big, scary, risky decision, but I believe it was the best thing for our family. Being a part of a church-plant is hard, but everything our church stands for and aims to be aligns so well with who we are and what we want to be about! I am still trying to fill my role and get involved where I can. It's weird not being involved in youth ministry, but I LOVE being involved with the worship team and the social justice aspects of the Courageous Church (Check us out at Courageous.tv)

I think that is it for now, but I feel better having typed this all out. This blog is so therapeutic for me!! My prayer is that this helps someone else as well. Have a blessed day!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad to hear from you again in the blogosphere! :) We are praying for your family and church Sophie! Let us know of specific church prayer requests and we'll add them to our list. :)