Thursday, January 8, 2009

Biggest Loser-King Household Edition

That's right, Jason and I are in a SERIOUS competition to be the Biggest Loser in our household. We always talk about getting healthy and losing weight, but things have been so hectic with the move and just life in general. Well, we are settled now, so there are NO EXCUSES!! Something we saw on the real Biggest Loser show was the final motivation we needed. You can get on their website and enter the Pound for Pound Challenge. Basically, for every pound you lose, Feeding America will donate one pound of groceries to a local food bank! So, I can directly affect change in someone else's life by getting healthy and losing weight. How amazing is that!

Back to our "friendly" competition....Jason and I are both gonna shed some weight, but I WANT to win! I have been overweight my whole life, and after having 2 children, I have some serious work to do. Watch out Jason...I may be sabotaging you...I am the one doing all the cooking! ;)

We are currently tackling changing our eating habits. I have always tried to buy healthier foods (whole wheat breads and pastas, natural or organic foods, etc.), but we would eat out more than we would eat at home. So, I have been using my Rachael Ray cookbook to find healthier recipes and plan our meals throughout the week so that we don't eat out. It has been working well so far. I am having fun cooking more often, and it feels good to be eating healthy and wholesome food.

Next, we need to get our booties movin'!! We are looking for a used treadmill or elliptical machine to purchase to have in our home. I know that if I have the machine in my home I WILL workout!! We also have some Pilates and Tae Bo workout DVD's that we will use. The real Biggest Loser just started up again this past Tuesday, so I will use that as motivation, too. If the heaviest person to be on the show EVER can do it, so can I!!!

I have already lost a few pounds just by changing our eating habits. Wish us luck!! God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am a biggest loser ADDICT! tuesday nights are the epitome of wonderfulness :) i hope the orange team stays on for a while - i want dan to do awesome. i'm sure you & jason will succeed as well - that show is so motivating.