Friday, January 16, 2009

Plumpy'Nut Initiative

Courageous Church is launching an worldwide initiative that EVERYONE NEEDS to know about. Please check out The pictures are hard to see, but it is reality! Children are dying from starvation all around the world!!! BUT, there is something that is making a difference...Plumpy'Nut. It is a miracle food for those that are severely malnourished. You will find more information about it on the website mentioned above, but basically it is bringing children back to life. As a church, we are pouring MASSIVE amounts of energy into putting systems in place so that people can: 1) educate themselves on the problem, 2) give financially to be a part of the solution, 3) spread the word so that more people can get involved, 4) Begin advocating for these babies to motivate our Federal Government to allot more $$ in the World Food Budget in order to produce and distribute this miracle food.

Please let everyone you know about this website! We want everyone to get on board to bring these babies back to life. I can't believe that I haven't done more about it personally. I've known there were starving children all around the world, but I've never felt more responsible for doing something about it. So, that is exactly what we are doing!!!

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