Monday, January 12, 2009


Have you ever desired more than this life has to offer? Have you ever wanted to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Well, I sure have! I know that there is more to life than just going to work, coming home, taking care of the kids, cooking, doing laundry, going to bed, and doing it all over again! I know that I was designed by a Wonderful Creator, and part of my design was to be a part of something GREAT!

You want to know what I mean? Come to the Courageous Church this Sunday at CenterStage in downtown Atlanta at 10 am. Our Pastor, Shaun King, will be continuing his series entitled "Greater than God"? He is teaching us, first of all, that God (and the things of God) are what we are searching for to complete us, whether we know it or not. He is what makes us whole. He is what satisfies our "hunger" for something more in this life. I know this to be true. I experienced this truth for the first time about 12 years ago, but over and over again, God has been proving this to me! God created me so that he could love me, so that I could love him, and so that I could share that love with others. What an amazing honor!!!

Loving others is a HUGE part of the Courageous Church. We desire to love and serve courageously. We have adopted some major causes and organizations to partner with in order to do just that! Pastor Shaun announced that, as a church, we have an opportunity to start an amazing initiative to affect change in the lives of thousands and thousands of starving and dying children around the world. Two words...Plumpy Nut! Google it! Basically it is a miracle food that is bringing severely acute malnourished children back to life. It is a ready to eat peanut butter paste enriched with powdered milk, vitamins, etc. Please check out to see more!

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