Thursday, June 12, 2008


It is so hard to believe that in one week we will be holding our son in our arms for the first time! I am so excited, scared, nervous, overwhelmed, and overjoyed all at the same time. YIKES! We can't wait to meet you, little buddy!

I am so humbled that God would place another one of His children in our hands to take care of for a season. It's hard to look at our children that way sometimes. I mean...we carry them in our bellies for 9 months and take care of their every need (and some of their wants) for 18 or so years after that. So, it would be easy to look at them as our children. However, I have learned that they are not mine. They are God's creations, and He has great plans for them that, for the most part, have nothing to do with me. So, my prayer is that God would continue to mold me into the mother that Elana and Josiah need in preparing them for what God has in store for their future.

On a completely different note, our Elana-boo has ANOTHER ear infection and has been moody and droopy the past few days. She even snuggled with me last night, which is so very rare these days!! I hate it when she is sick. I feel so bad for her that she has to endure the pain and discomfort of those darn ear infections. I pray that Josiah doesn't have as much trouble with his ears as Elana has with hers.

Well, I should get back to work. I only have 4 more days left at work, so I am excited about that. I am taking off the Thursday before we go in for the c-section so that I can rest. I am soooooooo looking forward to that!!! Blessings to all who read this! We'll keep you posted about our little guy!

Monday, June 9, 2008


So, we only have 11 days until Josiah gets here, and I am nesting so bad!!! It's funny because I have all these things that I would like to get done and most of them have absolutely nothing to do with preparing for Josiah's arrival...they would just make me feel better and less stressed for some reason. Here are the projects we are hopefully going to tackle before next Friday: 1)Clean out the garage (DONE!!) 2) Work on cleaning up the landscapping (bought the we just need to work on it) 3) clean off the roof and clean out the gutters (Jason is working on that today) 4) clean out closets (to be done in the evenings this week) 5) clean the blinds (to be done this weekend) 6) Bring baby stuff down from the attic that we will need (to be done this week or weekend) 7) clean the house (sometime next week) 8) Pack our stuff for the hospital (to be done this week or weekend). That's a lot of stuff, but Jason is doing a lot of it today on his day off...again, so thankful for all he does....and what doesn't get finish simply won't get finished. It won't be the end of the world (at least that is what I'm telling myself).

The idea of "nesting" is so funny, but it is so true. There is something in us "mama birds" that desires to do whatever it takes to make the "nest" perfect for the baby's arrival. Everything needs to have a place. Everything needs to be clean. Everything must be "perfect." Then, real life happens and the time, energy, and motivation to tackle big projects seems to disappear. It just doesn't seem important anymore to have a perfectly clean house or to stress out about blinds, gutters, etc. Everything stops and caring for that newborn baby (not to mention our sweet Elana) will be the priority. Don't get me's not like after the baby is born I will never clean my house again or take care of those things that God has blessed us with...of course I will. It's just funny to me how God has created us and how things change from season to season.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

4 AMAZING years!!

4 years ago today, I married my best friend! I don't get to spend a lot of time with the love of my life on our actual anniversary since he is at church camp, but that little rascal sure made the day special anyway. See, the camp is on the campus of the college and retirement community I work at. So, Jason, and his sneaky self, found a way into my office and decorated it with streamers, balloons (which Elana will enjoy later this evening), silly string, and a sign that said "Happy Anniversary" He also left a card and present for me, which was very thoughtful! I walked in and opened the door to my office and was SOOOO surprised. I felt so loved, appreciated, and special!! Eventhough we couldn't be together a lot today, he took the time to let me know that he was and would be thinking of me today. We will also take some time this weekend to celebrate, but on the actual day I couldn't have asked for more!!

Little did Jason know, that I had planned some similar surprises. I planned on planting several smaller gifts in the dorm where he was staying. One gift (fruit, flowers, and a note) he saw being transported to the dorm, and one gift he saw before it was even done (he came to see me at my office where I was putting together a plate of cookies and his card to take over to him)....oh's the thought that counts, right? We always think's scary sometimes. Our cards that we got each other even said very similar things....too funny!!!

Anyway, as I look back on our friendship, dating experience, and our marriage thus far, I am amazed at how God ordained every step. I still sometimes look at him and think...I really have him in my life? He loves ME? We have 2 children? How can I be this lucky? Jason is such an amazing man, and he could have had any woman that he wanted. However, he chose me, and I do not take that lightly. I desire to serve, love, and respect him each day we are together!! He has been there for me during some of the darkest times in my life and some of the best times of my life. We've been through a lot together in just 4 years of marriage...nothing that has strained our marriage...just changes and challenges that have strengthened us as individuals and as a married couple! I truly thank God for Jason, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in the years to come!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


After just one day without Jason around, I am keenly aware of how supportive and helpful he is when he is at home. Jason is hanging out with about 10 of our Sr. High teens at church camp this week, so it's just me and Elana. Of course, Elana decides she didn't want to sleep last night, so I had a 27 pound toddler flopping all over me several times last night. Elana does not normally sleep in our bed, but she woke up at 2:00 am (most likely a bad dream), and I was too tired to fight with her to get her to sleep in her bed. So, in our bed she came. She insisted on laying on my belly, which was VERY painful since I am VERY pregnant now! She kicked her poor little brother several times and smacked me in the face as well....not on purpose, but still... So, I am very tired this morning, and sore from holding and sleeping with Elana last night. Then, I had to get us ready and out the door on my own. I know, poor Sophie!! Woa is me!! However, Jason normally gets Elana up, dresses her, and occupies her while I finish getting ready, so I really missed that luxury this morning. I think I did pretty good by distracting her with Elmo and breakfast, but I was running super late!!

So, I am thankful for a husband who is SO HELPFUL! I am amazed at the strength and patience that single moms and dads must have in order to do what I did last night and this morning on a day-to-day basis!! I really have no right to complain since I do have such wonderful help 99% of the time. I will be relieved to have Jason back home on Friday, but I will survive! I know I can do it, and if I need a little help I know who to call!

On another note, Josiah will be here in just 17 days. I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that Josiah is growing, and if he were born today he would be just fine. I will go back to the doctor one more time next Tuesday. I can't believe it is June already! Josiah will be born this just 2 1/2 weeks!! I am so excited and can't wait to meet our son!

I spoke with my mother last night and confirmed her plans for when she is coming down here. She will be here the day before Josiah's birth. I am taking that day off, so I am excited to just rest and enjoy time with my mom. My mother-in-law will be coming down the day of Josiah's birth, so were excited about that! We'll keep you posted! PRAY FOR US!!!