Monday, June 9, 2008


So, we only have 11 days until Josiah gets here, and I am nesting so bad!!! It's funny because I have all these things that I would like to get done and most of them have absolutely nothing to do with preparing for Josiah's arrival...they would just make me feel better and less stressed for some reason. Here are the projects we are hopefully going to tackle before next Friday: 1)Clean out the garage (DONE!!) 2) Work on cleaning up the landscapping (bought the we just need to work on it) 3) clean off the roof and clean out the gutters (Jason is working on that today) 4) clean out closets (to be done in the evenings this week) 5) clean the blinds (to be done this weekend) 6) Bring baby stuff down from the attic that we will need (to be done this week or weekend) 7) clean the house (sometime next week) 8) Pack our stuff for the hospital (to be done this week or weekend). That's a lot of stuff, but Jason is doing a lot of it today on his day off...again, so thankful for all he does....and what doesn't get finish simply won't get finished. It won't be the end of the world (at least that is what I'm telling myself).

The idea of "nesting" is so funny, but it is so true. There is something in us "mama birds" that desires to do whatever it takes to make the "nest" perfect for the baby's arrival. Everything needs to have a place. Everything needs to be clean. Everything must be "perfect." Then, real life happens and the time, energy, and motivation to tackle big projects seems to disappear. It just doesn't seem important anymore to have a perfectly clean house or to stress out about blinds, gutters, etc. Everything stops and caring for that newborn baby (not to mention our sweet Elana) will be the priority. Don't get me's not like after the baby is born I will never clean my house again or take care of those things that God has blessed us with...of course I will. It's just funny to me how God has created us and how things change from season to season.

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