Thursday, June 5, 2008

4 AMAZING years!!

4 years ago today, I married my best friend! I don't get to spend a lot of time with the love of my life on our actual anniversary since he is at church camp, but that little rascal sure made the day special anyway. See, the camp is on the campus of the college and retirement community I work at. So, Jason, and his sneaky self, found a way into my office and decorated it with streamers, balloons (which Elana will enjoy later this evening), silly string, and a sign that said "Happy Anniversary" He also left a card and present for me, which was very thoughtful! I walked in and opened the door to my office and was SOOOO surprised. I felt so loved, appreciated, and special!! Eventhough we couldn't be together a lot today, he took the time to let me know that he was and would be thinking of me today. We will also take some time this weekend to celebrate, but on the actual day I couldn't have asked for more!!

Little did Jason know, that I had planned some similar surprises. I planned on planting several smaller gifts in the dorm where he was staying. One gift (fruit, flowers, and a note) he saw being transported to the dorm, and one gift he saw before it was even done (he came to see me at my office where I was putting together a plate of cookies and his card to take over to him)....oh's the thought that counts, right? We always think's scary sometimes. Our cards that we got each other even said very similar things....too funny!!!

Anyway, as I look back on our friendship, dating experience, and our marriage thus far, I am amazed at how God ordained every step. I still sometimes look at him and think...I really have him in my life? He loves ME? We have 2 children? How can I be this lucky? Jason is such an amazing man, and he could have had any woman that he wanted. However, he chose me, and I do not take that lightly. I desire to serve, love, and respect him each day we are together!! He has been there for me during some of the darkest times in my life and some of the best times of my life. We've been through a lot together in just 4 years of marriage...nothing that has strained our marriage...just changes and challenges that have strengthened us as individuals and as a married couple! I truly thank God for Jason, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in the years to come!

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