Tuesday, June 3, 2008


After just one day without Jason around, I am keenly aware of how supportive and helpful he is when he is at home. Jason is hanging out with about 10 of our Sr. High teens at church camp this week, so it's just me and Elana. Of course, Elana decides she didn't want to sleep last night, so I had a 27 pound toddler flopping all over me several times last night. Elana does not normally sleep in our bed, but she woke up at 2:00 am (most likely a bad dream), and I was too tired to fight with her to get her to sleep in her bed. So, in our bed she came. She insisted on laying on my belly, which was VERY painful since I am VERY pregnant now! She kicked her poor little brother several times and smacked me in the face as well....not on purpose, but still... So, I am very tired this morning, and sore from holding and sleeping with Elana last night. Then, I had to get us ready and out the door on my own. I know, poor Sophie!! Woa is me!! However, Jason normally gets Elana up, dresses her, and occupies her while I finish getting ready, so I really missed that luxury this morning. I think I did pretty good by distracting her with Elmo and breakfast, but I was running super late!!

So, I am thankful for a husband who is SO HELPFUL! I am amazed at the strength and patience that single moms and dads must have in order to do what I did last night and this morning on a day-to-day basis!! I really have no right to complain since I do have such wonderful help 99% of the time. I will be relieved to have Jason back home on Friday, but I will survive! I know I can do it, and if I need a little help I know who to call!

On another note, Josiah will be here in just 17 days. I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that Josiah is growing, and if he were born today he would be just fine. I will go back to the doctor one more time next Tuesday. I can't believe it is June already! Josiah will be born this month...in just 2 1/2 weeks!! I am so excited and can't wait to meet our son!

I spoke with my mother last night and confirmed her plans for when she is coming down here. She will be here the day before Josiah's birth. I am taking that day off, so I am excited to just rest and enjoy time with my mom. My mother-in-law will be coming down the day of Josiah's birth, so were excited about that! We'll keep you posted! PRAY FOR US!!!

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